Iphone and Ipod Skins NEW!
I think it´s so cool that our gadgets can be customized and moreover, cute and full of meaning. With images that we can identify ourselves with, and changeable whenever we please.
I hope you like it!
Eu acho o máximo que os nossos gagets sejam personalizaveis e ainda por cima, giros e cheios de significado. Com imagens com que nos identificamos e que podemos mudar sempre quando nos apetecer.
Estou a apresentar a minha nova loja onde poderão encontrar Prints ,capas para Iphone e Ipod na Society6
The wonderful iphone and Ipod skins are available here
As fantásticas skins estão disponiveis aqui
and the Iphone cases I think they look amazing :) You can get yours here
as capas para o teu Iphone, estão fantásticas :) Podes ter a tua aqui
I love this idea - its so cute. I saw a shop there other day that does customized skins for laptops - what a cool idea to give people as gifts. It's always great to find new ways of using our art works.