Art doll Cushions - original decoration

Have you seen my new and adorable art doll cushions?
Yes!!! and you want one, but they were sold so fast, right ?!?!
So I thought, why not make them available for more people :)
Yehhheiii! that´s the good news! Now you can have one of this adorable friend and secret keeper just for you :)

Já conheces as minhas novas e adoráveis "Art doll Cushions"- bonecas almofadas ?
Sim!!! e gostavas de ter uma, mas elas venderam-se tão depressa, certo?!?!
Então eu pensei, porque não torna-las disponíveis para mais pessoas :)
Vivaaaa! Esta é a grande novidade! Agora já podes ter uma boneca adorável, uma amiga para sempre, que guarda todos os teus segredos e só para ti :)


Rita and Kitten

This adorable art doll cushions are printed in 100% cotton, totally handmade and filled with poly-fill . They make a wonderful gift for little and big girls and give that original touch in your home decor with a exclusive and unique design by Atelier Susana Tavares.
This cushion is baby-friendly - no choking hazard parts and very soft so you can hold them tight :)
Size: 19.7" x 12.6"
The price: 33$ + 8$ shipping Registered mail
The fabric on the back can vary, but will be always beautiful :)
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