Paper and cotton Magazine
It is with great pleasure that I present the second edition of Paperand Cotton magazine..
The promoter of this fantastic idea, is Carla Pimentel , in the words of Carla
The promoter of this fantastic idea, is Carla Pimentel , in the words of Carla
"This publication is the culmination of an old dream of offering all
women, much as I do love the world of paper and fabrics,
a magazine truly "do it yourself"
Is a digital magazine, quarterly and bilingual ( a Portuguese edition
another in English.). "
I've been looking at the pages, which are full of inspirations for that special dates that are coming, such as Easter, Valentines Day ... an interview with Susana Tavares ;), projects step-by-step, patchwork, scrapbook, delicious recipes, ideas for traveling and much more.
Check out for free the number 1 of Paper and Cotton here.
women, much as I do love the world of paper and fabrics,
a magazine truly "do it yourself"
Is a digital magazine, quarterly and bilingual ( a Portuguese edition
another in English.). "
I've been looking at the pages, which are full of inspirations for that special dates that are coming, such as Easter, Valentines Day ... an interview with Susana Tavares ;), projects step-by-step, patchwork, scrapbook, delicious recipes, ideas for traveling and much more.
Check out for free the number 1 of Paper and Cotton here.
"Living and loving your creative self"
É com muito prazer que vos apresento a segunda edição da revista Paper
A promotora desta ideia fantástica é Carla Pimentel , nas palavras da Carla " Esta publicação é o culminar de um sonho antigo de oferecer a todas as
mulheres, que adoram tanto como eu o mundo dos papeis e dos tecidos,
uma revista verdadeiramente “do it yourself” - faça você mesmo.
Será uma revista digital, trimestral e bilingue (uma edição em português e
outra em inglês)."
Eu já estive a ver as páginas que estão cheias de inspirações para as datas que ai vêm, como a Páscoa, dia dos namorados... uma entrevista com a Susana Tavares ;), projectos passo-a-passo de patchwork, receitas deliciosas, viagens a fazer e muito mais.
Espreita gratuitamente o numero 1 da Paper and Cotton aqui.
"Living and loving your creative self"

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