Around here lately

Around here lately, I have been working with different projects at the same time, while my husband in this last month comes and goes with lots of traveling, I have to be for the kids, house and more. It's not always easy, but my inner voice always tells me to not worry and do the best I can. And that´s what I have been trying to do, the best I can ;)
Some people asked me about the paintings with wood frames, so I have painted this one on the weekend . "Counting stars" is the name of the painting, I hope you like it.
Closer on the next picture.

This painting was my project to Flourish 101 on UThrive so if you want to join this online class with me and more wonderful artists, you are welcome :) Know more about this class here
If you like you can get this painting here.

Some new online classes will born really soon, so I am filming and preparing ideas to inspire you ;)

Helping as well, my sisters project "Ritinha" ( little Rita) love. Light. Joy. This is a project in a baby stage, to grow spiritual awareness of children, in portuguese. I am developing some characters for her stories and musics. Really adorable and fun :)
I leave you sending love and light to you.
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