I love flying with ballerina shoes!

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Do you like to fly? I am sure that you are like this bunny

This painting title is "I love flying with ballerina shoes! And you?" The bunny has a mini red ballerina shoes, very special .... to help her fly! and she is motivating her ​​friend, with bear ears, to fly too :)
Gostas de voar? de certeza que és como esta coelhinha

This painting title is "I love flying with ballerina shoes! and you? " a coelhinha tem umas mini sapatilhas de bailarina vermelhas, muito especiais....que a ajudam a voar! e está a motivar a amiga com orelhas de urso a voar também :)

Lately I've been feeling so light and I think my painting is also so light, happy and fun.

Expressing your feelings and your heart with  paints, colors and shapes is very liberating, why not try it?


Expressar os teus sentimentos e o teu coração pelas tintas, cores e formas é muito libertador , porque não experimentar ?

If you want to learn to draw and paint girls faces like a princess or make creative backgrounds for your paintings, with textures, collage, stamping ... I'll give these two workshops in Madrid  in Casa  Bambola Creativa  30 sptember and 1 October
I hope to see you there, Chica!
Se queres aprender a fazer meninas com cara de princesa ou fazer fundos creativos para os teus quadros, apartir de texturas, colagem, estampagem... , vou dar estes 2 workshops em Madrid na "Casa Bambola Creativa  " 30 setembro e 1 de Outubro
Espero ver-te por lá, Chica!


  1. LOVE your paintings! What crayons are you using?

  2. i love this so deep true much.
    all the colors, how the bunny ears are so close and to the side, their kind faces, their kindred spirit to each other, their flight & light.
    LOVE! xox

  3. hi! is this workshop available on line? i hope so!!

  4. Thank you ladies, your comments are very apreciated :)
    I am going to start filming a workshop online :D


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