Simple creative time

What can be better than allow yourself to have quality creative time in a simple way.
Life will feel much better if you take time to slow down.
Taking time for yourself will nurture and uplift you and you totally deserve it ;)

Being creative is one of the ways that I love to nourish my energy, I just grab some simple materials, like a journal, markers, oil pastels, and 2 or 3 colors of paint. Choose what you like.
Put some music or hear something inspirational on the background, focus on your breathing and start creating without any rules, just what comes to your mind and go with the flow. Let your hand and intuition do the work. 

This is your time, so be who you need to be and express yourself with no worries.
You can just make some doodles, spread different colors of paint in a abstract way, feel your way into it and don't invite your critical side to play ;)
When you breath deeply and create, you are making an active meditation, this simple creative time will help you to connect with your inner self, to relax, to energize you and create a peaceful state of mind.

I hope you are inspired to give yourself creative time,
Sending light and love


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