Fresh paint, fresh life.


I am so happy today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday, after my week in my new life, it really feels good to sleep a bit more and have a lazy morning.
The balance of this first week is really good, my husband is adapting but happy to be in Brussels and Skype really helps us, to make the distance shorter ;)


In this moment of my life with all this changes at my door, I really feel the importance of taking care of myself and keeping good practices during my day. Starting my day with meditation and in a grateful, intentional way. It really helps me to be energized, focused and happy.

I have taken some time to write and walk in the mornings with my dog. This practices make feel more present and for now, I am choosing what makes me feel good. 
My days seem very long and this week OMG like a month.... Really!
I am wishing that time pass a little more faster ;)

The kids today we're counting how many days we will be here in Portugal and we count- 175 :) they are excited to start a new life, with a new home and new school and they want to be with dad, and me too ;)

I wish you a great weekend
Love and light to you


  1. olá Susana já algum tempo que não passava por aqui , fiquei muito contente de ver que continuas a sorrir para a vida e a inspirar criatividade...
    estar longe de quem amamos, não é bom, mas não é para sempre (as vezes também estou nessa situação) mas nós somos fortes e os filhos não nos deixam que falte energia ;)
    parabéns pela futura e nova vida ;) beijinhos e um grande sorriso

    1. Olá Sandra obrigada pelas tuas palavras tão queridas. Ás vezes a saudade aperta mas o Meu Coração diz que tudo vai correr bem. Beijinhooooooossssss 😊


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