Inspiration Board - Moon

This inspirational board it´s all about the moon. Lately I am thinking a lot about the moon, don´t ask me why.... I think she wants to tell me something ;) Enjoy and be inspired by the magic of the moon.

Este "Inspiration Board" é sobre a Lua. Ultimamente tenho pensado imenso na Lua, mas não me perguntes porquê....Acho que ela me quer dizer alguma coisa ;) Espero que gostes e que sejas inspirado pela magia da Lua.

Moon Cycles - journal page by Susana Tavares (yes that´s me ;)

Source: via Chrissy on Pinterest

Source: via Elaine on Pinterest

Moonlight art by Flea-Sha

The Huntress art by Tricia Scott 

Source: via Elaine on Pinterest

Moon phases

         Moon fairy 


Today I am the moon art by me 


Source: via Susana on Pinterest


 And I...

Source: via Nichole on Pinterest



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