A pink hair doll and her kitten friend :)

My Inner child continues to play and create with me :) This candy(with strawbery flavor), sweet pink art doll with a cute white dress with a rose and her special friend kitten

A minha criança interior continua a brincar e a criar comigo :) Esta boneca com ar de rebuçado com sabor a morango , com cabelo cor de rosa e um vestidinho branco com uma rosa e o seu amigo especial gatinho

She loves lollipops, picking flowers, petting the kitten, look for the rainbow, make wishes and making parties with cupckes and tea ... she is a sweet!


Ela adora chupa-chupas, apanhar flores, dar festinhas ao gatinho, procurar o arco-iris, pedir desejos e fazer festas com cupckes e chá...ela é um doce!


  1. oh my goodness.
    i LOVE all you create.
    so loveable, hugable, ...
    you place your heart out front
    & you are beautiful. xox

  2. Great pink colors and a lovely kitty.
    Realy nice doll.

  3. so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am a cat person!!!


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