A creative weekend...

I am so happy that Flora Bowley is coming to Portugal and I am going to participate in her  Bloom True workshop...I love to learn and share with other artists. Especially because I know quite a few in person and talk with someone who understands entirelly what it is to be an artist to me is a real privilege.

Next week I share the photos of this fantastic workshop :)


Flora Bowley  vem a Portugal e eu estou tão contente de participar neste workshop Bloom True...eu adoro aprender e partilhar com outros artistas. Especialmente porque conheço muito poucos ao vivo , e conversar com alguem que entende inteiramente o que é isto de ser artista, para mim é um verdadeiro previlégio.
Para a semana partilho as fotografias deste fantástico workshop :)

Have a wonderful weekend !!!!
Bom fim de semana !!!

P.s - I have a problem on my blog that i can´t even put a comment on my own blog, ....sorry to those i can´t reply !!!
P.s - tenho um problema no meu blog, não consigo nem comentar nas minhas pp. fotografias... desculpem por não responder!!!


  1. Truly, deeply from my heart.. I envy you. I would love to see her and other artists including you paint live, not only online, like I do.
    Enjoy for me too, please.

  2. Oh how inspiring!!! Sounds like a lot of fun! Can´t wait to see pictures!
    Have fun!!!!


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