Soul painting

Hello to you, I have awesome news to share with you. So let me explain :) 
This last year was something, I felt a huge transformation inside of me, affecting all levels of my being in a beautiful way. 
It´s like all that I have learned in my life prepared me for this moment. And now I feel ready to explore and start a new adventure. 

After training my intuitive Art skills and spiritual connection for more than 11 years now, this new chapter on my life begins combining art and spirituality together with soul paintings.

What is a soul Painting?

Soul Painting is an intuitive painting I made specially for, you in connection with your energy. I will connect with you and your Guiding Angels and create your soul portrait that will be translated into color, symbols and a message explaining the meaning of what I received to share with you, giving you guidance for the present moment. I will use my style of painting and connect with your beautiful soul energy and translated into art and words in partnership with source. The art piece is created with the intention of bringing you inspiration and the energy you need in your life to expand and be who you really are. The happiest, joyful version of yourself.

I am offering 2 types of soul portraits:

Can’t wait to connect with you beautiful soul!

More about me:
Intuitive artist since 2008
Reiki practice since 2008
-Coaching training in 2012
-Certified Reconnective Energy practitioner 2013
-Certified Angel card reader from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valenteine in 2015 and used oracle cards and work with the Angels for many years
-Certified Fairyologist from Doreen Virtue 2016
Please come and visit my new website

Much love and light

Much love and light


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