New year new decor in my studio

WoW! My studio has a new look :) I have new carpet, with beautiful colors and my husband gave me this cool vintage coutch, I love to feel cozy and comfortable in the place where I create, this makes also a perfect spot to talk with clients or to drink a cup of tea, don't you think ?

and to the other side of the studio I have arrange this gorgeous vintage airmoire painted by hand, to organize fabrics and other materials. Combining different styles , old and new is totally me.

the Frida Kahlo painting you see, it's on process, waiting the inspiration arrives...

Near my painting table I have this gourgeaus lampshade, and it has an incredible light to work in the end of the day, just need on more for the ceiling ;)

Please let me know, do you like it ?



  1. Adoro!
    Assim dá mais vontade de trabalhar :)
    Um 2014 cheio de criatividade e trabalho

  2. I do! Such a lovely space to create in, love it!

  3. A lamp like yours is exactly what I need - the days are so dark and dreary at the moment! I love your studio space! :)


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