Published in Fundamentally Female

Fundamentally Female is a global collaboration- for, about and largely by women- that identifies the universal substance of a woman : The friendship she honors, the vulnerability she exposes, the impact she makes, the intimacy she covets, and the secrets she keeps.


Rich in wit, wisdom and honesty, this collection of candid and diverse voices speaks to generations of females in search of confirmation, inspiration and joy as it peels away the layers to expose the very soul of womanhood.




Master storyteller Renneé Rongen amasses a fest of quips and quotes, provocative vignettes, and tender stories that spans the the gamut of the female experience, then wraps it in delicious, ecletic artwork by artists around the world.

A wonderful and juicy book full of inspiration that I am honored to participate as an artist and as a woman :)
Um livro maravilhoso e suculento, cheio de inspiração do qual tenho a honra de participar como artista e como mulher :)

Peço desculpa não traduzir este post, mas neste momento da minha vida em que estou a mudar de casa, obras, a trabalhar no meu workshop online, com o Natal á porta... tenho de me poupar para conseguir organizar as coisas de forma a que funcionem e eu chegue inteira no fim.

Conto assim com o vosso apoio e compreensão.

Beijos e obrigada (muito)



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