More Pics of my new studio!

More Dolls in my table...orders to finish- I am so happy creating in my new studio :)
Na minha mesa mais bonecas...encomendas por acabar - Estou tão feliz a criar no meu novo atelier :)

Each day I belive more and more that we need to trust, trust in life, and say YES more often, open your heart and embrasse all.
Breathe and flow with life :)

In Rachel Awes blog, All I did was listen is happening a giveaway of my Art Doll Workshop :) Know the wonderful art of Rachel and participate.


Cada vez acredito mais que temos que confiar, confiar na vida, dizer mais SIM, abrir o coração e deixar vir.
Respira e flui com a vida :)

No blog da Rachel Awes, All I did was listen está a acontecer um giveaway (oferta) do meu Art Doll workshop :) Conhece a arte linda da Rachel e participa.

An inspiring day to you / um dia inspirador para ti


  1. Wonderful art and a bright sunny place to work in!

  2. beautiful splashes of color into the white room! inspiring fotos!


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