Bloom True Workshop...

This weekend I've been to "Bloom True" Workshop, with Flora Bowley, and it was realy worth it :)

I loved knowing Flora and her painting techniques, that are, at the same time, so free and revealing of our way of seeing, being and moving in this world ... truly inspirational, experimenting with no mistakes ...
definitely a wonderful way to grow and finding your own true voice .


Eu adorei conhecer a Flora e as suas tecnicas de pintura que são, ao mesmo tempo, tão livres e reveladoras da nossa forma de ver, estar e movimentarmo-nos neste mundo...verdadeiramente inspirador e defenitivamente uma forma de crescer e de auto-conhecimento maravilhosa, apartir da experimentação e sem erros ...


Wonderful works emerged during these two days, from this great group :)
Obras maravilhosas surgiram ao longo destes dois dias , deste grupo fantástico :)


My painting in progress, still abstarct, while experimenting a variaty of movements and colour using foam brushes
Os meus quadros na fase abstarcta e de experimentação de vários movimentos e cores com pinceis de esponja

My paintings at the end of the workshop ... not finished, but the big one already with a good head start ;)
Os meus quadros no fim do workshop...que não estão terminados, mas o maior já tem um bom avanço ;)


Awsome days, Thank you Flora and thank you to all the wonderful people in the group :)


  1. Beautiful paintings, I like your style. I'm off to check out the rest of your lovely blog.

  2. Beautiful. Your work is amazing.

  3. I think your paintings are amazing!!
    So many people take workshops and end up with something that is too much like the instructors work, but you made the work your own and it is fabulous.
    You are an inspiration x

  4. It was wonderful wasn't it?! Very special time. I love your paintings xx

  5. Your paintings look amazing! Girissima! bjs

  6. Love your art...very expressive and colorful...lots of energy and movement...nice!

  7. Hi Susana, beautiful paintings, so glad you enjoyed the workshop.

    (From Flora's Western Australia's workshop)


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