Feeling print

Feeling print
Originally uploaded by Susana Tavares
This is an illustration I did last year "Feeling" I decided to make prints (digital reproduction) of this work, because I think it conveys so much peace and harmony ... something that makes us so lacking in our dayly life. Feel and connect with our inner essence.

Este é uma ilustração que fiz o ano passado "Feeling" , decidi fazer prints (reprodução digital) deste trabalho, porque acho que transmite tanta tranquilidade e harmonia...algo que nos faz tanta falta no nosso dia a dia. Sentir e conectar com a nossa essencia interior.
Para emoldurar e fazer um quadro lindo tem o tamanho A4


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! Your paintings and your work convey peace and quiet ... They are also taste for the senses. They are full of sweetness.


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